
Science, Mathematics and Engineering Minors

The School of Mathematics, 科学与工程在许多院系都开设了一些辅修课程, 所有这些都可以支持和加强各种不同的学位课程. 学生是否在从事科学或非科学领域的职业, 对自然世界更深刻的理解, mathematics and statistics, 工程学在工作场所和任何环境下都能提供许多解决问题的优势.

Browse minors by Department.

Atmospheric Science and Physics

Minor in Environmental Science

非专业学生可以选择环境科学辅修. 环境科学辅修课程是为希望探索和接受自然科学全面教育的学生设计的,涵盖了当地的主题和问题, national, and global importance on air, soil, and water resources.

Minor in Environmental Science
Course Listing Course Name Credit Hours
METR 1325 Natural Hazards 4
ENSC 1410 Environmental Science 4
ENSC/BIOL 3410 Soil Conservation and Laboratory 4
BIOL/CHEM/GEOL/METR Advanced Elective 3
ENSC/BIOL 4460 Research in Water Quality 4

BIOL 1401 can substitute for ENSC 1410. METR 3340, METR 3345和METR 4315可以满足高级选修课.

Total hours in minor: 19 hours

Minor in Geology

选修地质学需要20个小时的课程. 它的目的是为学生将来从事地质学工作做准备, whether in their careers or graduate school. 它为学生提供了良好的基础,并在与地质学交叉的重要领域工作, such as water, the environment, and soil.

Minor in Geology
Course Listing Course Name Credit Hours
GEOL 1401 Physical Geology 4
GEOL 1402 Historical Geology 4
GEOL 3411 Hydrogeology 4
GEOL 3450 Environmental Geology 4
GEOL 3460 Geomorphology 4

Minor in Meteorology

气象学辅修课程将为学生提供有关地球大气动力学的全面教育, weather analysis, and weather forecasting. 辅修课程包括空气污染对人类和环境的影响, 由于全球变暖和恶劣天气造成的气候变化的威胁, and world climates. 气象学是一门跨学科的学科,包括数学的应用, hydrology, physics, 化学在以下领域进行学术研究:天气模拟和预报, air pollution studies, hydrology, 地理信息系统(GIS)在气象学中的应用, and education. 学生应该选修额外的数学课程, especially calculus courses, 作为业务气象学准备的一部分, 因为这些数学课程是成功完成高级气象学课程的必要条件.


22 hours of the following:

  • METR 1430 Meteorology
  • METR 3310 Radar Meteorology
  • METR 3320 Forecasting I
  • METR 3330 Forecasting II
  • METR 3335 Severe Weather
  • METR 3340 Hydrology

Choose one of the following:

  • METR 3356 Synoptic Meteorology
  • METR 3360 Satellite Meteorology

Minor in Physics

辅修物理课程旨在提高主修其他学科领域的学生的能力, especially in mathematics, sciences, and engineering. 有关课程要求,请参阅相应页面.


17 hours, to include:

  • PHYS 2305/2105 Physics I and Lab
  • PHYS 2306/2103 Physics II and Lab II
  • PHYS 3310现代物理学和数学物理学
  • PHYS 3320 Classical Dynamics

One of the following:

  • PHYS 4330 Classical Electrodynamics
  • PHYS 4340 Quantum Physics I
  • CHEM 4431/4431L Physical Chemistry and Lab

Minor in Engineering Physics

The minor requires the following 9 hours:

Minor in Engineering Physics
Course Listing Course Name Credit Hours
PHYS 2305 Physics I 3
PHYS 2105 Physics I Laboratory 1
PHYS 2306 Physics II 3
PHYS 2106 Physics II Laboratory 1
ENGR 3350 Statics and Dynamics 1


  • 材料强度与实验室
  • ENGR 4375 Thermodynamics
  • ENGR 4470 Fluid Mechanics and Laboratory

Total hours in minor: 15-17 hours

只有在获得工程系主任的许可后,学生才可以用ENGR 4399 Special Topics in Engineering替代高级工程课程


Minor in Biology

Requirements: 17 semester hours

BIOL 1402: Unity of Life and Laboratory
BIOL 9生物学高级课程额外学时

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Minor in Biochemistry

Required Courses (26 hours):

CHEM 1301 - Chemical Principles I
CHEM 1101 - Chemical Principles Laboratory I
CHEM 1302 - Chemical Principles II
CHEM 1102 - Chemical Principles Laboratory II 
CHEM 2311 - Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2111 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 2312 - Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 2112 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory II 
CHEM 4351 - Biochemistry I 
CHEM 4251 - Biochemistry I Laboratory
CHEM 4352 - Biochemistry II
CHEM 4252 - Biochemistry II Lab


CHEM 4353 - Molecular Biochemistry
CHEM 4354 - Enzymology
CHEM 4260 - Advanced Chemical Research


Total Hours: 28-29 hours

Minor in Chemistry

Required Courses (16 hours):

CHEM 1301 - Chemical Principles I
CHEM 1101 - Chemical Principles Laboratory I
CHEM 1302 - Chemical Principles II
CHEM 1102 - Chemical Principles Laboratory II 
CHEM 2311 - Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2111 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 2312 - Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 2112 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory II 

Any CHEM 3000 or 4000 level course (10 hours)


Total Hours: 26 hours

Computer Information Systems



  • 15 hours of CIS courses

从CIS课程中选择课程有很大的灵活性,以满足您在编程中感兴趣的特定领域, computer networking, emerging technology and cybersecurity.


Cluster 1 – Networking and Security

  • CIS 2328: Hardware and Systems Software
  • CIS 2340: Introduction to Operating Systems
  • CIS 2335 Computer Networks
  • CIS 3340 Windows Client-Server Networks
  • CIS 3353: Computer Systems Security

Cluster 2 – Telecommunications

  • CIS 2328: Hardware and Systems Software
  • CIS 2340: Introduction to Operating Systems
  • CIS 2335 Computer Networks
  • CIS 3367 Networks and Telecommunications
  • CIS 3380 Emerging Technology

Cluster 3 – Networking and Telecommunications

  • CIS 2328: Hardware and Systems Software
  • CIS 2340: Introduction to Operating Systems
  • CIS 2335 Computer Networks
  • CIS 3340 Windows Client-Server Networks
  • CIS 3367 Networks and Telecommunications

集群4 - Linux网络和电信

  • CIS 2328: Hardware and Systems Software
  • CIS 2340: Introduction to Operating Systems
  • CIS 2335 Computer Networks
  • CIS 2350: UNIX/Linux Operating Systems
  • CIS 3325: Linux Networks
  • CIS 3367 Networks and Telecommunications

Cluster 5 – Database Programming

  • CIS 2330 – Programming Languages I
  • CIS 2333 – Scripting Languages
  • CIS 2368 – Website Development I
  • CIS 3300 – Programming Languages II
  • MIS 3363 -数据库和系统的设计与实现

Cluster 6 – Website Development

  • CIS 2330 – Programming Languages I
  • CIS 2333 – Scripting Languages
  • CIS 2368 – Website Development I
  • CIS 3300 – Programming Languages II
  • CIS 3365 – Website Development II

Cluster 7 – Website Programming

  • CIS 2330 – Programming Languages I
  • CIS 2333 – Scripting Languages
  • CIS 2368 – Website Development I
  • CIS 3365 – Website Development II
  • CIS 4375 – Creating Dynamic Websites

Cluster 8 – Programming

  • CIS 2330 – Programming Languages I
  • CIS 2333 – Scripting Languages
  • CIS 2368 – Website Development I
  • CIS 3300 – Programming Languages II
  • CIS 4330 – Object Orientated Programming

Mathematics and Statistics

Minor in Actuarial Science

在其他学科领域攻读专业的学生可以选择辅修精算学. 正在攻读数学学位(学士或学士)的学生也可以使用这门辅修课程来满足“辅修要求”。.

Required Courses (18 hours):

BFIN 3321 -财务管理原则
BFIN 3325 - Money and Capital Markets
BFIN 3326 - Risk Management and Insurance
数学3331 -基础的概率和统计
数学3332 -统计推断的基础
MATH 4333 - Regression Analysis

Minor in Mathematics



18 semester hours of mathematics courses, to include MATH 2312, 2313, 至少修9个小时的高年级课程.

Minor in Statistics

在其他学科领域攻读专业的学生可以选择辅修统计学. 正在攻读数学学位(学士或学士)的学生也可以使用这门辅修课程来满足“辅修要求”。.

Required Courses (15 hours):

MATH 2312 - Calculus I
MATH 2313 - Calculus II
数学3331 -基础的概率和统计
数学3332 -统计推断的基础
数学3333 -统计方法的应用1

Elective Course (3 hours):

MATH 4333 - Regression Analysis
数学2312和数学2313可以算作数学学士或学士学位,辅修统计学. 上面列出的其他课程在用于辅修统计学时,可能不会被重复计算到数学学士或学士学位.



Minor in Nutrition



NUTR 2341和至少9小时的其他NUTR课程, 其中6学时必须是高级课程(3000及以上). 辅修课程不包括研讨课、实习课和1000级课程.